Understanding Social Norms
Let’s start with the basics. Social norms are the rules that shape and direct our behavior in society. They provide guidance on how we should act in certain situations, helping to create order and harmony in everyday life.
According to the book “High Value Smart Preparation” by the Ganesha team, social norms are a set of rules with certain sanctions which aim to encourage and pressure every member of society to comply with social values. These norms are very important to maintain an orderly and peaceful life. Without social norms, everyone can act as they please, which can lead to chaos.
Function of Social Norms
Code of Conduct: Social norms function as a guide in everyday behavior. They help us understand what society expects and accepts.
Creating Order and Justice: With the existence of social norms, society can maintain order and justice. They set standards that everyone must adhere to.
Control System and Instructions: Social norms also function as a tool of social control. They provide guidance on what is considered right and wrong.
Stabilizing Social Life: Social norms help maintain stability in society by setting rules that everyone must follow.
Providing Sanctions: They provide a basis for sanctions for those who break the rules, helping to maintain order.
Organize Actions: Social norms regulate behavior so that it is in accordance with the values prevailing in society.
Helps Achieve Common Goals: With the existence of social norms, society can work together to achieve common goals.
Types of Social Norms
Social norms can be divided into several types based on certain aspects. The following are some common types of social norms:
Religious Norms: Rules that come from religious teachings and are absolute. Violation of this norm is considered a sin. Examples include prohibitions against lying, stealing, or killing.
Politeness Norms: Rules that regulate reasonable behavior in society. Violations of this norm are usually subject to sanctions in the form of blame or criticism. Examples include not receiving things with your left hand or eating while talking.
Moral Norms: Norms that come from a person’s conscience and inner feelings. Violations of this norm can be subject to physical or mental sanctions, such as being shunned by other people. Examples include harassment or having intimate relations in public places.
Habit Norms: Rules are born from habits that are carried out continuously. Violations of this norm can be subject to sanctions in the form of criticism or censure. Examples include bathing every day or bringing gifts when visiting birthday parties.
Characteristics of Social Norms
According to Jeff Charles, social norms have certain characteristics that make them easy to recognize:
Not Written: Most social norms are not written but are understood by society.
Born of Agreement: Social norms emerge from community agreements.
Adhered to by the Society: People strictly obey these social norms.
Sanctions for Violations: There are certain sanctions for those who violate the norms.
Flexible: The content and form of social norms can be adapted to social changes, so they are very likely to experience change.
Can Be Changed: If there is a desire from the community, social norms can be changed according to existing developments.
Examples of Social Norms
To better understand, here are some examples of social norms that you may often encounter:
- Throw garbage in its place.
- Wash your hands before eating.
- Respect older people.
- Maintain politeness in speaking.
- Prohibition of stealing other people’s things.
- Prohibition of lying.
- Devoted to worship.
- Always receive goods with the right hand.
This is a complete understanding of social norms, starting from the meaning, function, types, to examples. It is important to always comply with applicable social norms in order to create a safe, peaceful and peaceful life. Don’t forget to always behave according to existing social norms, OK!