
119 Short Funny Words of Wisdom Very Entertaining


119 Short Funny Words of Wisdom Very Entertaining

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119 Short Funny Words of Wisdom Very Entertaining
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Short Funny Words of Wisdom – Have you ever been busy at work, suddenly your mood really dropped for no apparent reason? It feels like all my energy just ran out, and even glancing at the laptop screen makes me feel lazy. Eits, relax first! There’s no need to rush to get bored or keep getting lost in those bad vibes.

Sometimes, it’s small things like reading 119+ short funny wise words are very entertaining it could be a lifesaver for your mood, you know! Even though it looks simple and may initially seem like a small change, this series of funny words is effective in relaxing your brain, reducing tension, and can even be a source of fun jokes with your work friends.


So, instead of continuing to overthink with all the endless busyness, let’s try to take a moment to enjoy this collection of funny words. Who knows, you might find a sentence or two that will make you smile and your enthusiasm will come back again!

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Short Funny Words of Wisdom Very Entertaining

These short funny words of wisdom can not only make you laugh, but also increase your enthusiasm. Who says life has to be serious all the time? Sometimes, joking a little is necessary to reduce stress. Come on, take a look at the following funny words which are guaranteed to make your day brighter.

Funny Words of Wisdom About Life

  1. “Life is simple, what’s complicated is the WA notifications from the alumni group.”
  2. “Don’t be afraid to fail, because failure is part of life. But if you keep failing, try checking, maybe you’re in the wrong major.”
  3. “Happiness is simple, for example when you find IDR 20 thousand in your old pants pocket.”
  4. “Work hard until your account makes the bank teller smile.”
  5. “Life is like a wheel, sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down, and it often leaks along the way.”
  6. “If life feels hard, maybe you need to go on a diet first.”
  7. “Problems are like armpit hairs, one plucked, a thousand grow.”
  8. “Life is all about choices, but why doesn’t your ATM balance ever have the option to add it yourself?”
  9. “Believe me, everyone has their share of bad luck. If today is bad, it means tomorrow might be bad again.”
  10. “People say life is short, but why does payday seem so long ago?”

Funny Words for Status

  1. “New hobby: collecting screenshots of chats that annoy you.”
  2. “The intention was to take a nap, suddenly I woke up at 7 pm. Ashamed of chickens.”
  3. “Believe me, I’m not lazy, I’m just saving energy.”
  4. “Love is blind, that’s why I can’t see if someone likes me.”
  5. “These days, it’s more difficult to find a signal than to find a mate.”
  6. “Breakfast is important, especially if the menu is free.”
  7. “My prayer today: may the contents of my wallet be in harmony with the contents of my heart, full of happiness.”
  8. “Sometimes I feel too smart, to the point where I don’t know what to do.”
  9. “There is nothing more faithful than a 1% HP battery that stays alive.”
  10. “Monday: cheers! Eh, that’s a lie.”

Short Funny Sayings

  1. “Save for riches, waste for broke.”
  2. “Smiles are free, but why do I still pay for electricity for lights?”
  3. “If you want to be successful, start now, not later.”
  4. “Life balance is important, for example snacking while exercising.”
  5. “Don’t be afraid of being poor, be afraid of not having a quota.”
  6. “If you can’t be the best, be the most relaxed.”
  7. “Nothing lasts forever, except chats from exes that don’t get deleted.”
  8. “Patience has its limits, but if you are not patient, the limits will get closer.”
  9. “Dreams have to be big, so that we realize that our lives are small.”
  10. “Failing is normal, but continuing to fail? Extraordinary!”

Hilarious Funny Words

  1. “Don’t think too much, your head will get hot and the CPU will hang.”
  2. “Successful people wake up early, that’s why I sleep early so I can be successful straight away.”
  3. “When I’m hungry, I get angry. If I’m full, I’m sleepy. My life is full of struggle.”
  4. “Don’t be afraid to fall in love, the important thing is not to fall into the gutter.”
  5. “I’m not lazy, I’m just respecting the holiday.”
  6. “Learn from lizards, they creep quietly but can eat deliciously.”
  7. “Don’t take your life too seriously, just be serious about school exams.”
  8. “If you don’t like dramas, why watch soap operas every day?”
  9. “Don’t judge me by my status, just judge me by my food.”
  10. “Always be grateful, because not everyone can have a quota to read this.”

Random Funny Words

  1. “Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he doesn’t have a motorbike taxi.”
  2. “If love is blind, why do you have to use a profile photo?”
  3. “Friends are like Wi-Fi, only there if you need them.”
  4. “Patient people are loved by God, but don’t be loved by debt.”
  5. “Humans can plan, but ultimately God takes the screenshot.”
  6. “In the past, being single was said to be a fate, now it is said to be single by choice.”
  7. “If your life feels monotonous, try changing your ringtone.”
  8. “Don’t be jealous of your neighbor’s grass, because your neighbor’s grass can also cause allergies.”
  9. “A soul mate is like a shadow, the more you chase it, the more you run away.”
  10. “I’ve given up on love, now I’m focusing on discounts.”

Funny But Deep Words

  1. “Happiness is simple, as simple as having no debt.”
  2. “Success requires struggle, but sometimes struggle just requires free wifi.”
  3. “Don’t expect your life to be perfect, because even instant noodles still need to be boiled.”
  4. “Life is like ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.”
  5. “True love doesn’t need a reason, but it needs credit to chat.”
  6. “Life is like a game, sometimes you level up, sometimes you get stuck at boss level.”
  7. “Don’t be afraid of failure, be afraid of never trying.”
  8. “Success requires effort, unless you are the son of the sultan.”
  9. “Life doesn’t need a lot of drama, just soap operas that have drama.”
  10. “Be grateful if you can still laugh, because that is a sign that you are still sane.”


Well, guys, life isn’t always smooth, but if you need a simple mood booster, try reading 119+ Short Funny Words of Wisdom Very Entertaining. Sometimes, one funny sentence can make us smile, you know, especially if we’re feeling bored in the middle of work or a pile of assignments. Who knows, it could be a powerful medicine to make your day more exciting!

So, don’t hesitate to save or share this collection of words with your friends. Because, let’s agree: laughter is contagious, and if it can make lots of people smile, why not? Come on, start exploring and find your favorite on the list! – DomainJava.com