Visi Bangsa Indonesia dalam Mendirikan Negara yang Merdeka Terdapat dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 Alinea

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Indonesia, a nation with diverse cultures and ethnic groups unified under the spirit of unity in diversity, established its independence on August 17, 1945. The vision of the founders of our nation and the spirit of independence are embodied in the 1945 Constitution's preamble. This text is not just legal or constitutional text but also serves as a philosophical paradigm that guides the nation in all aspects of life.

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Indonesia dalam Konteks Sejarah yang Merdeka

Indonesia underwent a prolonged period of colonialism under various foreign powers before achieving independence. The Indonesian people were determined to create a sovereign nation, free from any foreign influence. Through a long struggle, Indonesia emerged as a free and sovereign country, meaning it has the power to make decisions about its own future. It was this desire for sovereign, just, and prosperous society that is reflected in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

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Pembukaan dan Visi Bangsa

The preamble of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution contains the ideological foundation and state philosophy known as Pancasila. The preamble consists of four sections, each with its definition and purpose. The ideal framework for an independent Indonesia is outlined in the preamble; it illustrates the nation's journey to its current state and communicates the aspirations of its people for a fair and prosperous society.

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Alinea Pertama: outlines the historical reasons behind Indonesia's struggle for independence. It expresses outright rejection of any form of colonial rule and underscores the importance of self-respect and dignity.

Alinea Kedua: emphasizes the importance of international cooperation, harmony, and peace, as outlined by Pancasila.

Alinea Ketiga: asserts the formation of the Republic of Indonesia and defines the geographical boundaries of the country.

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Alinea Keempat: outlines the constitution that will govern the independent Indonesia and establishes the intention to build a just and prosperous society.

These above describe the vision of the Indonesian people when establishing a free and independent country. They reveal the underlying beliefs of the nation, including the rejection of colonialism, the need for international cooperation and peace, the formation and boundaries of the Republic, and the kind of society the people of Indonesia aspire to establish.

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Thus, the founding vision for Indonesia's independence as a country is enshrined in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. It serves not only as a historical reminder of the struggle of the past for freedom and sovereignty but also as a guide for creating a society that is fair, prosperous, and contributes to global harmony in the future.

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