
John has ten marbles, Andi has fifteen marbles, but Doni has twenty. Which of the following is not correct?


John has ten marbles, Andi has fifteen marbles, but Doni has twenty. Which of the following is not correct?

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In this article, we will analyze a statement describing the number of marbles that John, Andi, and Doni have. The statement indicates that John has ten marbles, Andi has fifteen marbles, and Doni has twenty marbles. We are asked to identify which of the given options is not correct. Since the options are not provided, we will examine various possibilities and provide the answer based on them.

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Comparison of the Number of Marbles

First, let’s compare the number of marbles that each person has:

  • John has the least number of marbles with ten.
  • Andi has more marbles than John, with a total of fifteen marbles.
  • Doni has the most marbles among the three, with a total of twenty marbles.
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Considering the above comparisons, any option suggesting that John has more marbles than Andi or Doni, Andi has more marbles than Doni, or claiming equal marbles among them would be incorrect.

Total Number of Marbles

Now let’s consider the total number of marbles, including all three individuals:

  • John’s marbles: 10
  • Andi’s marbles: 15
  • Doni’s marbles: 20
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Total marbles = 10 + 15 + 20 = 45

So, any option related to the total number of marbles stating a different number than 45 would also be incorrect.


Based on the above analysis, if given a list of options, the incorrect option would be one that either incorrectly compares the number of marbles among John, Andi, and Doni, or one that provides a wrong total number of marbles.

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