
What is the Best First Step to Take When Making a Class Agreement with Students? Find the Answer!


What is the Best First Step to Take When Making a Class Agreement with Students? Find the Answer!

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what is the best first step to take when making a class agreement with students? find the answer!
What is the Best First Step to Take When Making a Class Agreement with Students? Find the Answer!

Have you ever felt confused when you had to make a class agreement with your class students? Don’t worry, you are not alone! Creating class agreements can be challenging, but it is also very important for creating a positive and conducive learning environment. Come on, let’s discuss the first steps that must be taken so that this process runs smoothly and effectively.

Before we get into the specific steps, it’s a good idea to first understand why class agreements are important. Class agreements are not just about setting rules, but also about building mutual respect and responsibility between teachers and students. With an agreement, each class member will feel more involved and have a role in creating a good learning environment.


The Importance of Class Agreements with Students

When we talk about class agreements, we are talking about creating a harmonious learning atmosphere. Class agreements help reduce conflict, increase student participation, and build better relationships between teachers and students. This is an important foundation for the success of the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

With clear agreements, students will better understand what is expected of them. It also gives them a sense of security and certainty. They know what they can and cannot do, as well as the consequences of their actions. This helps reduce uncertainty and confusion that can disrupt the learning process.

More than that, class agreements also provide opportunities for students to actively participate in creating the rules they will follow. This increases their sense of responsibility and ownership of the rules. When students feel they have a voice in the agreement-making process, they are more likely to comply with and respect the agreed-upon rules.

1. First Steps in Creating a Class Agreement

Start with a Group Discussion

The first step that should be taken is to hold a group discussion with students. This is an important moment where you and your students can talk openly about what is expected from the class agreement. These discussions allow each student to voice their opinion and feel valued.

Start by explaining the purpose of the class agreement. Make sure students understand that this is a step towards creating a better learning environment for everyone. Also explain that their participation is very important in this process.

During the discussion, invite students to share ideas about what rules they consider important. Use methods such as brainstorming or small group discussions to ensure all students have a chance to speak. Write down all the ideas that come up and make sure all opinions are respected.

Note Main Ideas

After all the ideas have been collected, the next step is to note down the main ideas. These notes will be the basis of the class agreement that will be drawn up. It is important to record all ideas in detail so that nothing is missed.

You can use a whiteboard or flipchart to record these ideas. This allows all students to see and recall what has been said. Apart from that, you can also use these notes as a reference when drafting the final agreement.

Remember to always open a space for discussion during this recording process. Ask students if there are any ideas they would like to add or improve. In this way, all students will feel that their opinions are truly valued and acknowledged.

2. Group Discussion for Class Agreement

Facilitate Effective Discussions

When holding group discussions, it is important to facilitate effective discussion. Make sure all students feel comfortable talking and sharing opinions. You can use facilitation techniques such as asking open questions, giving enough time to talk, and making sure no one dominates the discussion.

Good facilitation techniques will help bring out creative ideas from students. Don’t forget to always respect every opinion, even if it differs from your personal views. Remember that the goal of this discussion is to create a mutual agreement that all students agree to.

If there are students who don’t seem to be participating enough, try to get them to talk by asking direct questions. For example, “What do you think about this rule?” or “Is there anything you would like to add?” This will help them feel more involved in the discussion.

Drawing up an Initial Agreement

Once the discussion is complete, the next step is to draw up a preliminary agreement. This agreement will be an initial draft that can be revised with the student. Make sure this agreement covers all the main ideas that were discussed during the discussion.

You can put this agreement in written form and share it with students for review. Invite students to provide input and suggestions for improvement. Don’t forget to always open a space for discussion during this preparation process.

After all students agree with the initial draft, you can proceed to the next step, namely ratifying the class agreement. This agreement must be agreed to by all students and teachers, and must be signed as a sign of agreement.

3. Identifying Students’ Shared Values ​​and Expectations

Understanding Important Values

Before setting rules, it is important to understand the values ​​that are important to students. These values ​​will be the basis of all the rules that will be made. Invite students to talk about what values ​​they consider important in the learning environment.

Some values ​​that may emerge include respect, responsibility, honesty, and cooperation. By understanding these values, you can create rules that suit student expectations and needs. This will also help students feel more involved and committed to the rules created.

When identifying these values, it is important to open a space for free and open discussion. Make sure all students feel comfortable talking and sharing opinions. You can use methods such as small group discussions or brainstorming to bring out creative ideas from students.

Exploring Student Expectations

In addition to grades, it is also important to explore student expectations. These expectations can be in the form of hopes for the learning environment, hopes for teachers, and hopes for fellow students. By understanding these expectations, you can create rules that are more relevant and appropriate to student needs.

Encourage students to talk about their hopes openly. You can use questions like, “What do you expect from this class?” or “How can we create a better learning environment?” These questions will help students to think deeper and share their opinions.

Once these expectations are collected, you can record them and use them as a basis for creating rules. Make sure all these expectations are recorded well so that nothing is missed. You can also use these notes as a reference when drafting the final agreement.

4. How to Create Effective Class Rules

Set Clear Rules

The next step is to establish rules that are clear and easy to understand. Good rules are specific, realistic, and enforceable. Make sure these rules reflect previously identified values ​​and expectations.

Use simple and clear language so that all students can understand the rules easily. Avoid using words that are ambiguous or difficult to understand. If necessary, you can provide concrete examples to help students understand the rules.

Additionally, make sure these rules are fair and balanced. Don’t make rules that are too strict or difficult to implement. Remember that the purpose of these rules is to create a positive and conducive learning environment for all students.

Involving Students in the Determination Process

Involving students in the rule-setting process is an important step to ensuring the rules are effective. Invite students to talk about what rules they consider important and relevant. Use methods such as voting or small group discussions to ensure all students have a chance to speak.

By involving students in this process, they will feel more ownership and commitment to the rules created. They will be more likely to comply with the rules they have helped create. This will also increase their sense of responsibility and ownership of the learning environment.

Once the rules are set, make sure all students understand and agree to the rules. You can use various methods to ensure this, such as holding a question and answer session or providing further explanation if necessary.

5. Active participation of students in making agreements

Encourage Active Participation

Encouraging active student participation is an important step in creating class agreements. Active participation means not only talking, but also listening and respecting other people’s opinions. Make sure all students feel that their opinions are valued and acknowledged.

Use a variety of methods to encourage active participation, such as group discussions, brainstorming, or other creative activities. Make sure all students have the opportunity to speak and share opinions. Don’t forget to always open a free and open discussion space.

Additionally, make sure all students feel comfortable speaking. If there are students who don’t seem to be participating enough, try to get them to talk by asking direct questions or using other facilitation techniques. Remember that the goal of active participation is to create an agreement that all students agree to.

Listen Carefully

Listening carefully is an important skill in making classroom agreements. Make sure you listen to every opinion carefully and respect every opinion expressed. Don’t rush to give answers or judge other people’s opinions.

Use active listening techniques, such as nodding, giving positive responses, or repeating back what has been said to ensure understanding. This will help students feel that their opinions are valued and acknowledged.

By listening carefully, you will be able to understand better what the student expects. This will help in the process of creating agreements that are more relevant and appropriate to the student’s needs. Apart from that, listening carefully will also build mutual respect and trust between teachers and students.

6. Creating a Conducive Classroom Through Agreement

Conducive Learning Environment

A conducive class is a class where all students feel comfortable and safe to learn. To create this kind of environment, classroom agreements must include clear rules about behavior and interaction between students. Make sure these rules support the creation of a positive and productive learning atmosphere.

A conducive learning environment will help students focus on lessons and improve their learning outcomes. This will also reduce conflict and disruption in the classroom. With a class agreement, each student will feel responsible for maintaining a conducive learning atmosphere.

Additionally, ensure these rules are applied consistently and fairly. Don’t hesitate to provide appropriate consequences if a student breaks the rules. Remember that the goal of these rules is to create a positive learning environment for all students.

The Teacher’s Role in Creating a Conducive Class

Teachers have an important role in creating a conducive classroom. Apart from setting rules, teachers must also be a good example for students. Make sure you always show positive behavior and respect the rules that have been made.

Apart from that, make sure you always monitor and assess the learning atmosphere in the classroom. If there is a problem or conflict, resolve it immediately in a way that b wise. Do not hesitate to ask for help from other students or the school if needed.

By being a good example and monitoring the learning atmosphere, you will be able to create a classroom that is conducive and supports the teaching and learning process. Remember that a conducive class is a class where all students feel comfortable and safe to learn.

7. Build a Positive Learning Environment

Set Clear Expectations

A positive learning environment starts with setting clear expectations. Make sure all students understand what is expected of them and what they can expect from teachers and fellow students. Clear expectations will help reduce confusion and uncertainty in the classroom.

Apart from setting expectations, make sure to always remind and reinforce these expectations. Use a variety of ways to remind students of set expectations, such as posters, verbal reminders, or class activities. This will help students stay focused and committed to agreed expectations.

By setting clear expectations, you will be able to create a positive and productive learning environment. This will help students feel more involved and committed to the teaching and learning process.

Encouraging Collaboration and Cooperation

A positive learning environment also includes collaboration and cooperation between students. Make sure you always encourage students to work together and help each other. Use a variety of group activities and projects to encourage collaboration and cooperation in the classroom.

Apart from that, make sure you always give praise and appreciation to students who show a collaborative attitude and help fellow students. This will help increase their motivation and sense of responsibility towards the learning environment.

By encouraging collaboration and cooperation, you will be able to create a positive learning environment and support the teaching and learning process. Remember that collaboration and cooperation are important skills that will help students in the future.

8. Effective Steps in Class Agreements

Prepare a Draft Agreement

Effective steps in a class agreement begin with drafting an agreement. This draft should include all the ideas and values ​​that were discussed during the group discussion. Make sure this draft is clear, specific, and easy for all students to understand.

Once the draft is prepared, share it with students for review. Invite students to provide input and suggestions for improvement. Feel free to make revisions if necessary. Remember that the goal of this draft is to create an agreement that all students agree to.

Once all students agree to the draft, the next step is to ratify the class agreement. This agreement must be agreed to and signed by all students and teachers. This will be the basis of all rules and expectations in the classroom.

Implementing and Evaluating Agreements

Once the agreement is ratified, the next step is to implement and evaluate the agreement. Make sure all students understand and obey the rules that have been made. Don’t hesitate to provide appropriate consequences if a student breaks the rules.

Apart from that, make sure you always monitor and assess the effectiveness of the agreement. Carry out regular evaluations to ensure the agreement is going well. If there are problems or difficulties, immediately look for the right solution.

By implementing and evaluating agreements, you will be able to create a positive learning environment and support the teaching and learning process. Remember that class agreements are an important tool for creating a harmonious and productive learning atmosphere.

9. The Importance of Collaborative Learning with Class Agreement

Collaboration in Learning

Collaborative learning is an approach in which students work together to achieve the same learning goals. With class agreement, collaborative learning can run more effectively. Students will feel more involved and committed to the teaching and learning process.

Make sure the class agreement includes rules that support collaboration and cooperation. Use a variety of group activities and projects to encourage collaboration in the classroom. This will help students learn to work together and help each other.

Apart from that, make sure you always give praise and appreciation to students who show a collaborative attitude and help fellow students. This will help increase their motivation and sense of responsibility for the teaching and learning process.

Benefits of Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning has many benefits. Students will learn to work together, respect other people’s opinions, and develop social skills. This is an important skill that will help them in the future.

Apart from that, collaborative learning will also help improve learning outcomes. Students will feel more motivated and involved in the teaching and learning process. They will be more likely to understand and remember the material taught.

With collaborative learning, you will be able to create a positive learning environment and support the teaching and learning process. Remember that collaborative learning is an important tool for creating a harmonious and productive learning atmosphere.


Making a class agreement with students is an important step in creating a positive and conducive learning environment. The first step that should be taken is to hold a group discussion to identify shared values ​​and hopes. By involving students in this process, they will feel more involved and committed to the rules that have been created.

Class agreements help reduce conflict, increase student participation, and build better relationships between teachers and students. With a clear agreement, students will better understand what is expected of them and feel more safe and comfortable in the teaching and learning process.

By implementing effective steps in making class agreements, you will be able to create a harmonious and productive learning atmosphere. Remember to always involve students in this process and respect every opinion expressed. In this way, class agreement will become a powerful tool to support the success of the teaching and learning process.

FAQs about Classroom Agreements with Students

Question Answer
1. Why is class agreement important? Class agreements are important for creating a positive learning environment, reducing conflict, and increasing student participation.
2. How to involve students in making class agreements? Students can be involved through group discussions, brainstorming, and providing opportunities to speak and share opinions.
3. What should be done if students do not comply with class agreements? Provide appropriate consequences and conduct evaluations to understand why students do not comply with agreements.
4. How to ensure class agreements are effective? Make sure agreements are clear, specific and fair, and conduct regular evaluations to assess their effectiveness.
5. What are the benefits of collaborative learning? Collaborative learning helps students learn to work together, respect other people’s opinions, and improve learning outcomes.