Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

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Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang penting dan wajib dipelajari oleh siswa di tingkat sekolah dasar, termasuk kelas 6. Pada semester 2, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa siswa, baik itu dalam mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, maupun menulis. Oleh karena itu, mempersiapkan diri dengan baik menghadapi ujian sekolah atau UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester) menjadi sangat penting bagi para pelajar.

Sebagai bagian dari persiapan tersebut, latihan soal menjadi salah satu cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan bahasa Inggris. Latihan soal tidak hanya membantu siswa memahami berbagai jenis soal yang mungkin muncul, tetapi juga memperkenalkan mereka pada berbagai bentuk teks, kosakata, serta struktur kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam ujian. Selain itu, soal-soal latihan juga dapat mengukur sejauh mana siswa memahami materi yang telah diajarkan selama satu semester.

Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 2 yang disertai dengan kunci jawaban ini diharapkan dapat menjadi alat bantu belajar yang efektif bagi para pelajar dalam mempersiapkan ujian. Dengan mengerjakan soal-soal ini secara rutin, siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka dan merasa lebih percaya diri saat menghadapi ujian. Melalui latihan yang berkesinambungan, diharapkan hasil ujian siswa dapat mencapai tingkat yang optimal.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan belajar mandiri bagi pelajar yang mempersiapkan ujian sekolah atau UTS.

Read the text and answer the questions! Nomor 1-5

Lina will Go to Dufan Lina and her classmates will go to Dufan. They will leave at seven o’clock tomorrow morning by bus. The trip will take two hours. At nine, they will get there. Lina and Tina will buy the entrance tickets. Aisyah plans to ride the bombom car. While Joshua and his friend will ride a roller coaster. Made was going to ride on a banana boat with his friend at the beach. They will have a nice holiday.

  1. How will they go to Dufan?
    • Jawaban: They will go to Dufan by bus.
  2. What will they buy to enter Dufan?
    • Jawaban: They will buy some tickets.
  3. What will Tina play at Dufan?
    • Jawaban: She will play the bombom car.
  4. What will Made play at Dufan?
    • Jawaban: He will ride a banana boat.
Baca Juga :   Berdasarkan Titik Berat Yang Menjadi Perhatiannya, Dmokrasi Dapat Dibedakan Atas

Read the text and answer the questions! Nomor 7-10

Alex and his father will go to Taman Safari next Sunday. They want to see a new animal, the Sloth. They want to see a new species from South America, sloths. Sloths move extremely slowly, but they are very cute. They will go to Museum Satwa in Batu. It is near Jatim Park. They will see many replicas of animals there. They will enjoy the time at the museum.

  1. Who will accompany Alex to Taman Safari?
    • Jawaban: His father will accompany him.
  2. What is the new animal species in Taman Safari?
    • Jawaban: It’s the sloth.
  3. Where is Museum Satwa?
    • Jawaban: Museum Satwa is in Batu, East Java.
  4. Will they see replicas of animals at Museum Satwa?
  • Jawaban: Yes, they will.
Baca Juga :   10 Contoh Soal PTS PJOK Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

This text is for questions number 12 – 15.

My name is Rangga. I live at Setiana Street. My house is next to the bookstore. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the traditional market. The traditional market is located at Merdeka Street. There are many public places along this street. There are a bank and a post office on both sides of the traditional market. The bank is on the left side and the post office is on the right side. There is a bakery across the traditional market. There is also a police station. It is next to the bakery.

  1. Where does Rangga live?
  • Jawaban: At Setiana Street.
  1. Where does his mother want to go?
  • Jawaban: She wants to go to the traditional market.
  1. Where is the supermarket located?
  • Jawaban: At Merdeka Street.
  1. What are the public places next to the traditional market?
  • Jawaban: A bank and a post office.

This text is for questions number 17 – 20.

As an agricultural country, Indonesia people earn their living by farming. They plant rice as their staple diet, and many kinds of vegetables in their garden. They can do this when there is a lot of water. It is the rainy season. But sometimes, the rainy season often creates serious problems for people. Too much water may cause floods. Indonesia has two seasons in a year. They are dry season and wet season.

  1. What are the two seasons in Indonesia?
  • Jawaban: Dry season and wet season.
  1. Rainy season takes place between?
  • Jawaban: September to February.
  1. It is a sunny day. The weather is?
  • Jawaban: Hot.
  1. It is a rainy day. People like to?
  • Jawaban: Stay at home.
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This text is for questions number 22 – 24.

My name is Sabby. I live on Oak Street in a small green house. Today, I am going to the park with my friends. The park is located in the center of the city. There are many activities to do in the park, such as playing soccer, having a picnic, or just sitting and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

  1. What color is Sabby’s house?
  • Jawaban: Green.
  1. Where is the park located?
  • Jawaban: In the center of the city.
  1. What activities can people do in the park?
  • Jawaban: Play soccer, have a picnic, or just sit and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

  1. He is a chef. He works in a…
  • Jawaban: Restaurant.
  1. I want to be a farmer. I will plant rice in a…
  • Jawaban: Ricefield.
  1. A pilot flies an airplane. He works in the…
  • Jawaban: Airport.
  1. Pak Budi is a teacher. He teaches at a…
  • Jawaban: School.
  1. My aunt is a nurse. She works in the…
  • Jawaban: Hospital or clinic.

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence!

  1. Natasha got first rank in her class, she is very…
  • Jawaban: Smart.
  1. My mom is a … woman. She always helps others.
  • Jawaban: Kind.
  1. Everyone likes Mr. Anton. He is a … person.
  • Jawaban: Helpful.
  1. My sister Sarah was born 5 years before me, that means… than me.
  • Jawaban: My sister is older.
  1. My grandpa has no hair, he is …
  • Jawaban: Bald.
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Choose the correct response!

  1. Linna: “Do you mind … the Air Condition? It is cold in this room.”
  • Elsa: “Certainly.”
  • Jawaban: Turning off.
  1. Zidan: “Shall we do the math homework together?”
  • Tina: “… Let’s do it in my house!”
  • Jawaban: That’s a good idea.
  1. Fitri: “Today is your birthday party! It’s a gift for you!”
  • Amir: “… , Fitri.”
  • Jawaban: Thank you.
  1. Andi: Let’s go to the library.
  • Rini: Ok.
  • They want to….
  • Jawaban: Read books.
  1. Mr. Lukman: “The whiteboard is very dirty. … the whiteboard, please!”
  • Student: “Yes, sir.”
  • Jawaban: Clean.
  1. Lily: What is your mother’s hobby?
  • Dita: “… is singing.”
  • Jawaban: Her hobby.
  1. Tiara: “…?”
  • Gina: “Traditional dance.”
  • Jawaban: What kind of dance do you like?
  1. Jenny: Do you like peanuts?
  • Asep: Yes, ….
  • Jawaban: I do.
  1. Ali: …. do you get this storybook?
  • Ben: From our school library.
  • Jawaban: Where.

Arrange these words into correct sentences!

  1. a pair of – buy – to – Lika – wants – shoes
  • Jawaban: Lika wants to buy a pair of shoes.
  1. bike – faster – my – car – faster – than
  • Jawaban: My car is faster than my bike.
  1. father – watching – my – is – match – football
  • Jawaban: My father is watching a football match.
  1. sister – my – wears – elder – blue – shirt
  • Jawaban: My elder sister wears a blue shirt.
  1. a – wants – to – Sinta – buy – ruler
  • Jawaban: Sinta wants to buy a ruler.
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Demikian contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga soal-soal ini dapat membantu pelajar untuk mempersiapkan ujian sekolah atau UTS dengan lebih baik. Latihan soal secara mandiri sangat penting agar pelajar dapat menguasai materi yang akan diujikan dan mencapai hasil yang maksimal.


Sebagai penutup, latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 2 ini diharapkan dapat membantu para pelajar untuk lebih siap dalam menghadapi ujian sekolah atau UTS. Dengan berlatih secara rutin, siswa akan semakin terbiasa dengan berbagai jenis soal yang mencakup semua keterampilan berbahasa, seperti membaca, menulis, mendengarkan, dan berbicara. Selain itu, latihan soal juga dapat memperkuat pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan, serta memperbaiki kemampuan dalam menyusun kalimat dan menerjemahkan ide-ide dalam bahasa Inggris.

Penting bagi setiap pelajar untuk tetap semangat dalam belajar dan tidak mudah menyerah. Mengingat pentingnya ujian sekolah dalam menentukan kelulusan, persiapan yang matang akan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Semoga dengan bantuan latihan soal dan kunci jawaban ini, para siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka, mencapai hasil yang optimal, dan meraih kesuksesan dalam ujian yang akan datang.

Selamat belajar dan semoga sukses!

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